K'Leela from the ship IVK taj HeH and Klingon Ambassador L'Rell are making a goodwill visit to JordanCon and will be teaching a class on making Book Hedgehogs. “In this class we will be recycling old books to create your very own hedgehog by folding pages in a pattern and personalizing afterward with hats, eyes and other items of your choice.” Recommended for children to adults. No prior skills are required. The class is 1st come while the supplies last (approximately 25 students).
Friday April 4, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Gardenia4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta, GA 30346
Expand your artistic horizons! Learn how to paint with alcohol ink! Students will get a brief tutorial and then will be able to create their own works of art on yupo paper and on various Wheel of Time inspired wooden shapes. Recommended for teens and adults this class does not require any prior skills. Signup is required. Class limit 15. Fee $15.
Cash is recommended as individual instructors may not be able to accept electronic payments.
Friday April 4, 2025 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Gardenia4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta, GA 30346
Put your mini painting skills to the test for charity! Paint a Stormlight themed mini from the Brotherwise/Dragonsteel kickstarter. The colors are randomly selected, and the results will be judged by popular vote at the con. Recommended for teens and adults. Knowledge of mini painting and speed painting techniques are required. Entry fee is $20. A prize will be awarded to one entry by a teen and one entry by an adult. Preregistration is required. Limited to 15 entries.
Friday April 4, 2025 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Gardenia4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta, GA 30346